A Multilingual Dictionary of Translation and Interpreting. English-German-Romanian - Simona Simon, Marcela Alina Farcasiu, Anca Dejica Carti...

A Multilingual Dictionary of Translation and Interpreting. English-German-Romanian - Simona Simon, Marcela Alina Farcasiu, Anca Dejica Cartis, Daniel Dejica

Dictionarul este o lucrare cuprinzatoare, in trei limbi, avand ca obiectiv principal domeniul traducerii si interpretarii, dar abordand si domenii conexe, si anume lingvistica, comunicare, educatie, traduceri si management. Nucleul dictionarului este format din peste 3.000 de termeni si expresii, selectate pe criterii de frecventa si utilizare. Dictionarul cuprinde si trei anexe trilingve, care pun in lumina, tipurile de documente oficiale care sunt de obicei legalizate-traduse, asociatiile si institutiile nationale si internationale din domeniul traducerii si interpretarii si, nu in ultimul rand, standardele nationale si internationale in acest domeniu. Dictionarul multilingv de traducere si interpretare: Engleza - Germana - Romana se incheie cu trei indici ai principalelor cuvinte cheie in engleza, germana si romana. A Multilingual Dictionary of Translation and Interpreting: English - German - Romanian is a comprehensive work in three languages, having as a primary focus the field of translation and interpreting, but also addressing related fields, namely linguistics, communication, education, language industry, translation technology and management. The core of the dictionary consists of more than 3,000 terms and phrases, selected on frequency and usage criteria. The dictionary also includes three trilingual annexes, that put the spotlight on types of official documents that are usually sworn-translated, on national and international associations and institutions in the field of translation and interpreting, and, last but not least, on national and international standards in this field. A Multilingual Dictionary of Translation and Interpreting: English- German - Romanian ends with three indices of the main English, German, and Romanian keywords as well as with the bibliography and webography used for its compilation. The semi-specialised and specialised vocabulary included in this dictionary makes it a useful tool for translators, interpreters, communication specialists, academics and students, and for the general public, who is interested in getting acquainted with field-specific concepts in three languages: English, German and Romanian.
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