Album Muzica in arta lui Alexandru Tipoia - George Tzipoia

Album Muzica in arta lui Alexandru Tipoia - George Tzipoia

editie bilingva (romana-engleza) Album coordonat de / Album coordinated by George Tzipoia si arh. Victoria Tzipoia Conceptie grafica / Graphic desgin concept: Claudia Tache Fotografii / Photos: Claudia Tache, Ernani Orcorte, George Tzipoia Texte/ Texts: George Tzipoia, Pavel Susara Versiunea engleza / English version: Luiza Gervescu, Claudia Tache ,,As vrea ca imaginea sa redea armonia muzicii, sa ii preia esenta. Imaginea sa devina ea insasi muzica pura." - Alexandru Tipoia Contents:Pavel Susara - Music and Painting as Ethical Experience George Tzipoia - Music in Alexandru Tipoia's art 1.The Man and the Music 2.The Still Life and the Music 3.The Musical Instrument. The Metamorphosis of a Concept 4.Searching for the Perfect Shape and the Pure Sound 5.Alexandru Tipoia. Biography, Family tree notes ,,Among the Romanian plastic artists whose work is marked by music - in the highest sense of the term - Alexandru Tipoia holds a special place. We can say, without fail, that Tipoia is the standard artist whose work of a Builder is closely related, in shape, to the great music harmony, with deep existential twists. He did a work of creation in the plastic arts, starting from the suggestion of association of the violin to the female body, a personal world, a serious one, of deep spirituality. For over thirty years, until his death, the artist lived in a continuous universe of serious tones, of elevated musical forms, drawing inspiration and translating them into plastic forms, creating his own Visual Scores in infinite games of harmonic allusions between the Body and the Violin, the queen of instruments, and the Female Body, the queen of feelings. The beauty, balance and gravity of the image are often inspired by the beauty, balance and gravity of music, by its inner richness, its major themes, as the artist often worked listening to music, letting himself be transported by it to the highest spheres." - George Tzipoia
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