Inertie sociala in spatiul romanesc - Tudor Pitulac

Inertie sociala in spatiul romanesc - Tudor Pitulac

Inertie sociala in spatiul romanesc / Social Inertia In Romania Deschideri pentru o analiza functionala a comunitatilor / Contributions for a Functional Analysis of the Communities Editie bilingva. Romana-engleza Solutionarea individuala a problemelor comune in sens social reprezinta un fals raspuns in fata neputintei colective. Ne intrebam in cele mai variate moduri, in fiecare epoca istorica, care sunt elementele esentiale raspunzatoare de functionarea ineficace a societatii romanesti. Cauzele nu vor fi gasite la nivel individual, chiar daca esecurile functionale ale structurilor supraindividuale se obiectiveaza cu necesitate in fiecare dintre noi. Comunitatea, ca structura sociala fundamentala, are nevoie de atentia noastra nestirbita. Rezultat al analizei macrosociologice, cartea de fata avanseaza unele raspunsuri sintetizate cu precadere in primul capitol, deschizand totodata directii de analiza si de interpretare. The individual resolution of common issues from a social perspective represents a false solution when faced to the problem of collective helplessness. We ask ourselves in each historical period, from various perspectives, what are the crucial elements that are responsible for the inefficient functioning of the Romanian society. The reasons of this phenomenon cannot be found at the individual level, even if the functional failures of the structures found above the level of individuals is internalized by each of us. The community, as a fundamental social structure, needs our full attention. As a result of a macro-sociological analysis, this book aims to propose some answers, synthesized mainly in the first chapter, and opens, at the same time, new directions for analysis and interpretation. Din Cuprins: • Deschideri pentru o analiza functionala a comunitatilor / Approaches for a Functional Analysis of Communities • Inertie sociala in Romania contemporana / Social Insertion in Contemporary Romania • Strategii comunitare antitetice / Opposing Communitarian Strategies • Consecinte ale absentei spiritului comunitar / The Absence of Communitarian Spirit: Consequences • Organizare si actiune politico-administrativa / Political-Administrative Organizations and Activity
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