International Business Law - Raluca Papadima

International Business Law - Raluca Papadima

Raluca Papadima este avocat membru in barourile Bucuresti (2004), Paris (2006) si New York (2007). Profeseaza in prezent in Statele Unite ale Americii si in Romania, fiind specializata in tranzactii si litigii cu o componenta internationala. Doamna Papadima este de asemenea cadru didactic asociat la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Drept si Facultatea de Administratie si Afaceri precum si la Colegiul Juridic Franco-Roman de Studii Europene (Universitatea Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) unde a predat Dreptul afacerilor, Dreptul societatilor comerciale si Dreptul contractelor (francez, roman, american, european si international). Este autoarea a numeroase articole publicate in reviste de prestigiu din Romania si din strainatate. International Business Law is a collection of materials, equally theoretical and practical, meant to provide an introductory overview of International Business Law. The book was designed specifically for civil law practitioners and students, both from the field of law and from the business side. The book covers the main forms of international business (trade, technology licensing and foreign direct investment), international commercial dispute resolution and international business contracts (negotiation, drafting and interpretation).
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