Interogatoriu la Elsinore - Carlos Manuel Varela

Interogatoriu la Elsinore - Carlos Manuel Varela

Pentru spectatorul initiat in aspectele politice ale teatrului shakespearian, piesa lui Carlos Manuel Varela Interrogatoriu la Elsinore propune ,,un fel de palimpsest largit" al lui Hamlet, care aduce pe scena un Elsinore fictiv, conectat la realitatea traumatizanta din Uruguay in perioada dictaturii militare. Pentru cititorul fascinat de literatura comparata si implicat in lumea teatrului, Interrogatorio en Elsinore se aseamana cu piesa lui Nedjalko Iordanov, The Murder of Gonzago, aducand in prim-plan un paralelism nascut din ideologii extreme, neo-fascismul si comunismul, si regimul lor institutionalizat de teroare. Ambele piese se bazeaza pe influenta hotaratoare a lui Hamlet pentru a reflecta la rolul important al artistului implicat in politica. For the spectator initiated in the political aspect of the Shakespearean theatre, Carlos Manuel Varela's Interrogatorio en Elsinore proposes ,,a kind of extended palimpsest" of Hamlet that connects on stage a troubled, fictional Elsinore to the traumatic reality of Uruguay during the military junta. For the reader fascinated by comparative literary studies and implicated in the theatre world, Interrogatorio en Elsinore resonates with Nedjalko Iordanov's The Murder of Gonzago by drawing from parallel extreme ideologies of neo-fascist and communist dictatorships and their institutionalized regime of terror. Both plays showcase the potential of the performance in Hamlet to underpin the role of the artist in the political landscape.
21.00 Lei în magazinul Libris