Oare ce visez azi? What will I dream today?- Alexandra Lopotaru

Oare ce visez azi? What will I dream today?- Alexandra Lopotaru

Editie bilingva romana-engleza Ilustratii de Lavinia Falcan Stim noi parintii ca nu mai stim sa vorbim limba copilariei? Stim noiparintii ca, uneori, din dorinta de a le fi bine cu orice pret, impunemlucruri si obtinem reversul? Stim noi, ca fara sa stim sau sa ne dam seama,frangem aripile curajului de a incerca, dar alimentam obligatia de a reusi? Cati nu am spus ,,trebuie", ,,sa nu te murdaresti!", ,,sa nu mai plangi!",,,dormi!", dar am uitat sa le spunem pe limba lor cum sa faca asta? Stimnoi ca piticii nostri sunt descurajati de reusitele noastre si riscam ca, de lasentimentul firesc al inferioritatii, sa alimentam complexe de inferioritate?Doar din prea buna credinta![...]Cum sa scapam de rolurile triunghiului dramatic si sa nu imbrac hainelepersonajelor: salvator, neputincios sau persecutor in familia mea? Esimplu! Sa am curajul sa raman cooperant cu copilul meu, conectat cu elsi sa am incredere ca va gasi cai si el sa isi rezolve situatiile de viata! Seria de carticele scrise de Alexandra sunt carti pentru copii de inteles parintii! Do we realise, as parents, that we no longer speak the language ofchildhood? Do we realise that sometimes, in our desire to do the rightthing at any cost, we impose ourselves and achieve exactly the opposite? Dowe know that, without intending to, we can rob our children of the courageto try to fly, while drilling into them the need to succeed? How many timesdo we say "must", "don't get dirty", "stop crying", "go to sleep", but forget totell them in their own language how to do it? Do we know that our littleones are discouraged by our own successes, and that we risk, by the naturalfeeling that they can do less than us, feeding an inferiority complex? Andpurely because of too much good faith![...] So how do we shake off the roles of the drama triangle, and stop being thepersecutor, victim or rescuer in our families? Simple! Have the courage tocooperate with your child, connect with her, and have faith that she willfind solutions to the challenges in her life! The series of books written byAlexandra are children's books for parents to understand! - Yolanda Cretescu,Psiholog clinician si psihoterapeut adlerian,Clinical psychologist and Adlerian psychotherapist
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