Emocalm, 60 comprimate, Dacia Plant

Emocalm, 60 comprimate, Dacia Plant

Emocalm, 60 comprimate, Dacia PlantProprietati: Armonia emotiilor Tulburarile anxioase sunt astazi extrem de frecvente. Printre cele mai cunoscute se numara: anxietatea, accesele de panica. Emocalm comprimate reduce simptomele legate de neliniste, oboseala, iritabilitate, tensiune musculara, incapacitatea de a tine in frau ingrijorarea, probleme de somn, precum si starile de palpitatii, ritm cardiac accelerat, transpiratie, tremuraturi sau senzatii de sufocare. Produsul este recomandat pentru functionarea normala a sistemului nervos prin reducerea tensiunilor psihice, nu creeaza dependenta si nu are reactii adverse. Actiuni: - calmant, sedativ, antidepresiv, anxiolitic, stabilizant psihoemotional, timoleptic. Alte actiuni: - inductor al somnului, stimulent al memoriei, antispastic. Indicatii: Se utilizeaza ca adjuvant in: distonii neuro-vegetative, depresie, anxietate, atacuri de panica, insomnie, afectiuni cardiovasculare pe fond nervos (hipertensiune arteriala, cardiopatie ischemica, aritmii cardiace), sindrom hyperkinetic cardiovascular, gastrite sau ulcer gastric ce apar pe fond de stres, spasme digestive, biliare sau urinare. Contraindicatii: Sarcina, alaptare, alergie la oricare dintre componentele produsului, intoleranta la lactoza. Plante: Sunatoare (100mg), valeriana (50mg), roinita (100mg), lavanda (100mg), ulei esential de portocal (5mg). Ingrediente inactive: Lactoza, celuloza microcristalina, aerosil. Mod de administrare: Adulti si tineri peste 15 ani: cate 1 comprimat de 3 ori pe zi. Copii intre 5 si 15 ani: cate 1/2 de comprimat de 3 ori pe zi. Prezentare: 60 comprimate Emocalm tablets psycho-emotional state contributes to the harmonization and elimination of psychological tension that prevents sleep onset. It protects the body against stress, helping to eliminate the discomfort that can occur in the cardiovascular, digestive and reduces spasms occurring in smooth muscle. This product is a food supplement, EU manufactured and labelled according to UK laws. Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only. Properties: Harmony of emotions Anxiety disorders are extremely common today. Among the best known are: anxiety, panic attacks. Emocalm tablets reduce symptoms related to restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, inability to control anxiety, sleep problems, and palpitations, accelerated heart rate, sweating, tremors or suffocation. The product is recommended for the normal functioning of the nervous system by reducing mental tensions, does not create addiction and has no side effects. Actions: - calming, sedative, antidepressant, anxiolytic, psycho-emotional stabilizer, thymoleptic. Other actions: - sleep inducer, memory stimulant, antispasmodic. Tips: It is used as an adjunct in: neuro-vegetative dystonias, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases on a nervous background (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias), cardiovascular hyperkinetic syndrome, gastritis or gastric ulcer that occur on the background of stress, digestive, biliary or urinary spasms. Contraindications: Pregnancy, lactation, allergy to any of the components of the product, lactose intolerance. Plant: St. John"s wort (100mg), valerian (50mg), rhubarb (100mg), lavender (100mg), orange essential oil (5mg). Inactive ingredient: Lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil. How to administer: Adults and young people over 15 years: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Children between 5 and 15 years: 1/2 tablet 3 times a day. Presentation: 60 tablets
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