Etno Moldova - Iurie Raileanu

Etno Moldova - Iurie Raileanu

Editie in trei limbi: romana-engleza-rusa Interesul unui popor pentru cunoasterea istoriei sale nationale, demonstreaza dimensiunea gradului sau de cultura civilizatie, caci prin istorie el se identifica in rindul popoarelor lumii. In acest album monografic vom demonstra prin intermediul imaginilor acea splendoare a diverselor forme si simboluri, coloritul la nesfarsit regasit in diferite obiecte de folosinta casnica, pastrate timp de cateva secole. The interest of a people for knowing its national history demonstrates the dimension of its degree of culture and civilisation, as it is through its history that it identifies itself among the other peoples of the world. This monographic album with illustrations vvill demonstrate magnificent and varied forms and symbols, colouring which can be found in different household goods preserved thought century.
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