Nation Branding in Post-Communist Romania | Bianca-Florentina Cheregi

Nation Branding in Post-Communist Romania | Bianca-Florentina Cheregi

"Does Romania need a country brand?" is the headline of an article published in 2010 in, one of the most read Romanian news portal. The country image and the debates on nation branding are permanent agenda themes in Romania, especially after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. In this context, the present volume proposes an analysis of media discourses on Romania's country image in different situations, some of them explicit (nation branding as a public problem), and some implicit (labor migration in the European Union). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,,Are nevoie Romania de un brand de tara?", se intreaba un jurnalist intr-un articol publicat in 2010 pe portalul de stiri Tema imaginii de tara, precum si dezbaterea acesteia din perspectiva branding-ului national sunt teme de agenda permanenta in Romania, mai ales dupa prabusirea regimurilor comuniste in 1989. In acest context, volumul de fata propune o analiza a discursului mediatic pe tema imaginii de tara in diferite situatii, unele explicite (nation branding ca problema publica), altele implicite (migratia fortei de munca in Uniunea Europeana).
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