Postcards. The Horizontal Newspaper. The Last Five Years: 2019-2023 - Dan Perjovschi

Postcards. The Horizontal Newspaper. The Last Five Years: 2019-2023 - Dan Perjovschi

Ziarul Orizontal - Ultimii cinci ani, 2019-2023 (Europa, Revolutie, Pandemie, Impreuna, Documenta, Editia Teatrala) Ziarul Orizontal - alb, negru, manifest. Cinci ani de palimpsest performativ politic, social, cultural si activist, direct de la Sibiu, intr-o cutie eleganta cu 70 de cartoline care fac rezumatul caustic al prezentului. Ziarul Orizontal este o scoala de text si imagine, critica si incluziva.O noua editie este inaugurata anual, odata cu Festivalul International de Teatru de la Sibiu. Tot ce Ziarul Orizontal - alb, negru, manifest. Cinci ani de palimpsest performativ politic, social, cultural si activist, direct de la Sibiu, intr-o cutie eleganta cu 70 de cartoline care fac rezumatul caustic al prezentului. desenez pe peretii muzeelor de arta din toata lumea aduc la Sibiu, pentru concetatenii mei. Ziarul are "rubrici" diverse (local, global, cultural, social, politic, activist), pe care le actualizez constant de-a lungul anului. Editiile morpheaza dintr-una intr-alta.Am inceput Ziarul Orizontal in 2010, ca pe o panorama a societatii in care traiesc. Alb, negru, manifest. The Horizontal Newspaper is a school of text and image, critical and inclusive. Every year, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival brings with it a new edition of the Newspaper. Everything that I draw on the walls of art museums across the world I bring to Sibiu for my fellow citizens. The Newspaper has various "columns" (local, global, cultural, social, political, activist), which I update continuously throughout the year. Its editions thereby morph from one into another.I began The Horizontal Newspaper in 2010, with the intention of providing an overview of the society in which I live and breathe. Black, white - a manifesto.
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